Research Projects

Adaptive Multi-Human Multi-Robot Systems

Multi-human multi-robot (MH-MR) teams are emerging as promising assets for tackling complex and expansive missions, such as environmental monitoring, disaster recovery, and military operations. The collaboration of multiple humans and robots with diverse capabilities, expertise, and characteristics presents great potential to enhance team complementarity, productivity, and versatility. However, this inherent heterogeneity within the team also introduces coordination challenges. Moreover, incorporating human operators as the core of the decision-making process can significantly improve the situational awareness and flexibility of the team, but it also introduces more uncertainty and complexity. Human affective conditions, such as cognitive load and emotion, as well as performance, are inconsistent and susceptible to various internal or external factors.

To unlock the full potential of MH-MR teams, this project focuses on developing adaptive systems capable of initializing mission-specific MH-MR teams by considering the inherent heterogeneity, proactively monitoring and analyzing the cognitive and emotional states of operators, and enabling human operators to adapt to robot system changes and robots to adapt to human cognitive and emotional states. Specifically, we aim to:

This project is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. IIS-1846221. Relevant papers:

Human-in-the-loop Robot Learning for Personalized Human-Robot Interactions

Human preferences for robot interaction behaviors are inherently diverse and individual. Adapting and personalizing robot behaviors to these individual preferences is crucial, as it can significantly enhance user satisfaction, engagement, and overall interaction quality. This project aims to develop efficient human-in-the-loop robot learning algorithms to facilitate this personalization process. Our primary objective is to develop innovative and transformative frameworks and algorithms that enable seamless robot adaptation in human-robot interaction by efficiently understanding and learning from human feedback and preferences.

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Socially-aware Robot Navigation

Socially-aware robot navigation (SAN), in which a robot must optimize its trajectory to maintain comfortable and compliant spatial interactions with humans while also reaching its goal without collisions, is a fundamental but challenging task in the context of human-robot interaction. In this project, our work focuses on two main areas: 1) Encoding Complex Social Interactions: We are developing algorithms to better encode and interpret the intricate social dynamics within varied environments. This involves utilizing advanced deep learning techniques to understand human behaviors in different settings, enabling robots to navigate with a deeper awareness of social nuances; and 2) Innovative Teaching Methods for Robots: We are exploring new methods to teach robots that move beyond traditional reinforcement and inverse reinforcement learning. This includes devising intuitive and effective reward systems that more accurately reflect social compliance and exploring alternatives to reduce reliance on human demonstrations.

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